:mod:`neuron_morphology.feature_extractor.feature_extractor` ============================================================ .. py:module:: neuron_morphology.feature_extractor.feature_extractor Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neuron_morphology.feature_extractor.feature_extractor.FeatureExtractor .. data:: RegistrableFeature .. py:class:: FeatureExtractor(features: Sequence[Feature] = tuple()) .. method:: register_features(self, features: Sequence[RegistrableFeature]) Add a new feature to the list of options :Parameters: **features** : the features to be registered. If it is not already marked, it will be registered with no marks .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. method:: extract(self, data: Data, only_marks: Optional[AbstractSet[Type[Mark]]] = None, required_marks: AbstractSet[Type[Mark]] = frozenset()) Run the feature extractor for a single dataset :Parameters: **data** : the dataset from which features will be calculated .. **only_marks** : if provided, reject marks not in this set .. **required_marks** : if provided, raise an exception if any of these marks do not validate successfully :Returns: The calculated features, along with a record of the marks and features selected. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!