:mod:`neuron_morphology.features.dimension` =========================================== .. py:module:: neuron_morphology.features.dimension Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neuron_morphology.features.dimension.dimension .. function:: dimension(data: Data, node_types: Optional[List] = None, coord_type: COORD_TYPE = COORD_TYPE.NODE, signed_bias=(False, True, False)) Get the height, width, depth, minimum, and maximum values of specific coordinate type and node type centered about the root :Parameters: **data: Data Object containing a morphology** .. **node_types: a list of node types (see neuron_morphology constants)** .. **coord_type: Restrict analysis to specific coordinate type** (see neuron_morphology.features.statistics.coordinates for options) **signed_bias: boolean tuple for whether the bias measure should be signed** for (x, y, z) .. !! processed by numpydoc !!