:mod:`neuron_morphology.features.path` ====================================== .. py:module:: neuron_morphology.features.path Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neuron_morphology.features.path._calculate_max_path_distance neuron_morphology.features.path.calculate_max_path_distance neuron_morphology.features.path.max_path_distance neuron_morphology.features.path.early_branch_path neuron_morphology.features.path._calculate_mean_contraction neuron_morphology.features.path.calculate_mean_contraction neuron_morphology.features.path.mean_contraction .. function:: _calculate_max_path_distance(morphology, root, node_types) .. function:: calculate_max_path_distance(morphology, root, node_types=None) Helper for max_path_distance. See below for more information. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: max_path_distance(data: MorphologyLike, node_types: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> float Calculate the distance, following the path of adjacent neurites, from the soma to the furthest compartment. This is equivalent to the distance to the furthest SWC node. :Parameters: **data** : the input reconstruction .. **node_types** : if provided, restrict the calculation to nodes of these types :Returns: The along-path distance from the soma to the farthest (in the along-path .. sense) node. .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: early_branch_path(data: MorphologyLike, node_types: Optional[List[int]] = None, soma: Optional[Dict] = None) -> float Returns the ratio of the longest 'short' branch from a bifurcation to the maximum path length of the tree. In other words, for each bifurcation, the maximum path length below that branch is calculated, and the shorter of these values is used. The maximum of these short values is divided by the maximum path length. :Parameters: **data** : the input reconstruction .. **node_types** : if provided, restrict the calculation to nodes of these types **soma** : if provided, use this node as the root, otherwise infer the root from the argued morphology :Returns: ratio of max short branch to max path length .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: _calculate_mean_contraction(morphology, reference, root, node_types) Calculate the average contraction of all sections. In other words, calculate the average ratio of euclidean distance to path distance between all bifurcations in the morphology. Trifurcations are treated as bifurcations. :Parameters: **morphology: Morphology object** .. **reference: dict** .. **This is the node of the previous bifurcation** .. **root: dict** .. **This is the node from which to measure branch contraction under** .. **node_types: list (AXON, BASAL_DENDRITE, APICAL_DENDRITE)** .. **Type to restrict search to** .. :Returns: Two scalars: euclidean distance, path distance .. These are the total bif-bif and bif-tip distances under this root .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: calculate_mean_contraction(morphology, root=None, node_types=None) See mean_contraction .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: mean_contraction(data: MorphologyLike, node_types: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> float Calculate the average contraction of all sections. In other words, calculate the average ratio of euclidean distance to path distance between all bifurcations in the morphology. Trifurcations are treated as bifurcations. :Parameters: **data** : the input reconstruction .. **node_types** : if provided, restrict the calculation to nodes of these types :Returns: The average contraction across all sections in this reconstruction .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!