:mod:`neuron_morphology.features.statistics.overlap` ==================================================== .. py:module:: neuron_morphology.features.statistics.overlap Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: neuron_morphology.features.statistics.overlap.calculate_coordinate_overlap_from_min_max neuron_morphology.features.statistics.overlap.calculate_coordinate_overlap neuron_morphology.features.statistics.overlap.overlap .. function:: calculate_coordinate_overlap_from_min_max(coordinates: np.ndarray, minv: float, maxv: float, dimension: int = 1) Return the % of coordinates that are above the max, between, or below the min :Parameters: **coordinates: np.ndarray with x, y, z columns** .. **minv: min to check against** .. **maxv: max to check against** .. **dimension: dimension to compare (0, 1, 2 for x, y, z), default 1 (y)** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: calculate_coordinate_overlap(coordinates_a, coordinates_b, dimension: int = 1) Return the % of coordinates_a that are above, overlaping, and below coordinates_b, and the same for b over a :Parameters: **coordinates_a: 2d array-like with x, y, z cols** .. **coordinates_b: 2d array-like with x, y, z cols** .. **dimension: dimension to compare (0, 1, 2 for x, y, z), default 1 (y)** .. :Returns: dict: a_above_b, a_overlap_b, a_below_b, or -1's if coordinates_b is empty .. !! processed by numpydoc !! .. function:: overlap(data: Data, node_types: Optional[List[int]] = None, node_types_to_compare: Optional[List[int]] = None, coord_type: COORD_TYPE = COORD_TYPE.NODE, dimension: int = 1) Compares the locations of node_types to node_types_to_compare Calculate % of coordinates of node_types that are above, overlapping, and below the coordinates of node_types_to_compare Example: calculate_overlap( morphology, node_types=[AXON], node_types_to_compare=[APICAL_DENDRITE, BASAL_DENDRITE]) will return the percentage of AXON nodes that are above, overlapping, and below DENDRITE nodes :Parameters: **data: Data Object containing a morphology** .. **node_types: a list of node types (see neuron_morphology constants)** .. **node_types_to_compare: a list of node types (see neuron_morphology constants)** .. **coord_type: Restrict analysis to specific coordinate type** (see neuron_morphology.features.statistics.coordinates for options) **dimension: dimension to compare (0, 1, 2 for x, y, z), default 1 (y)** .. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!