
Module Contents


validate_coordinates_corresponding_to_dendrite_tip(marker_file, morphology) This function checks whether the coordinates for each dendrite marker
validate_coordinates_corresponding_to_axon_tip(marker_file, morphology) This function checks whether the coordinates for each axon marker
validate_expected_name(marker_file) This function checks whether the markers have the expected types
validate_type_thirty_count(marker_file) This function checks whether there is exactly one type 30 in the file
validate_no_reconstruction_count(marker_file) This function checks whether there is exactly one type 20 in the file
validate(marker_file, morphology)
neuron_morphology.validation.marker_validation.validate_coordinates_corresponding_to_dendrite_tip(marker_file, morphology)

This function checks whether the coordinates for each dendrite marker corresponds to a tip of a dendrite type in the related morphology

neuron_morphology.validation.marker_validation.validate_coordinates_corresponding_to_axon_tip(marker_file, morphology)

This function checks whether the coordinates for each axon marker corresponds to a tip of a axon type in the related morphology


This function checks whether the markers have the expected types


This function checks whether there is exactly one type 30 in the file


This function checks whether there is exactly one type 20 in the file

neuron_morphology.validation.marker_validation.validate(marker_file, morphology)